The solution for design of reinforced concrete beams, columns and ribs has been further extended by reinforcement templates and it now covers the complete workflow:
- Definition of basic amount of reinforcement.
- Definition of settings for the calculation of the additional reinforcement
- Selection of templates from a library.
- Calculation of required area of reinforcement or required number of bars of a given diameter
- Calculation of shear reinforcement as required area or as required number of legs
- Comparison of the required area of reinforcement with the limit values stipulated in the code.
Steel connections enhancements
- Base plate connections design in full compliance with EN 1993-1-8 including calculation of moment resistance, determination of rotational stiffness, classification of the connection.
- The length of anchor bolts is now determined according to EN 1992-1-1 and the strengthening effect of the concrete block around the zone in contact with the base plate is taken into account.
- Beam-to-column connection with 4 bolts now calculates the tension resistance of groups of bolt rows.
- The built-in libraries have been extended by bolts, screws, nuts and washes according to the latest ISO/EN codes.
- Better arranged and clearer report.
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