Μεταπτυχιακές διατριβές (Master Thesis) και άρθρα (Articles) που εκπονήθηκαν με το SCIA Engineer από το Πανεπιστήμιο Πάτρας και το TU Delft.
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Μεταπτυχιακές Διατριβές (Master Thesis)
Πανεπιστήμιο Πάτρας
Πανεπιστήμιο Πάτρας

Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών
Μάριος Φιλιππουπολίτης (2011)
Διερευνήθηκε η σεισμική απόκριση του φορτίου της τοιχοποιίας της εκκλησίας με το καμπαναριό μιας βασιλικής. Παρουσιάστηκε και μια προσέγγιση που στοχεύει στη μείωση των αναπτυσσομένων τάσεων, με την τοποθέτηση ράβδων χάλυβα στο σώμα της τοιχοποιίας. Η πρώτη φάση της προσομοίωσης της γεωμετρίας έγινε με το Autocad. Το προκύπτον αρχείο dxf εισήχθη στο Scia Engineer και το μοντέλο ολοκληρώθηκε με τη χρήση 2D μελών (shell).
Η διατριβή του κ. Φιλιππουπολίτη προστέθηκε και στο διαγωνισμό των χρηστών μας!
Δείτε όλα τα βιβλία των διαγωνισμών στο: SCIA User Contest
Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών
Μάριος Φιλιππουπολίτης (2011)
Διερευνήθηκε η σεισμική απόκριση του φορτίου της τοιχοποιίας της εκκλησίας με το καμπαναριό μιας βασιλικής. Παρουσιάστηκε και μια προσέγγιση που στοχεύει στη μείωση των αναπτυσσομένων τάσεων, με την τοποθέτηση ράβδων χάλυβα στο σώμα της τοιχοποιίας. Η πρώτη φάση της προσομοίωσης της γεωμετρίας έγινε με το Autocad. Το προκύπτον αρχείο dxf εισήχθη στο Scia Engineer και το μοντέλο ολοκληρώθηκε με τη χρήση 2D μελών (shell).
Η διατριβή του κ. Φιλιππουπολίτη προστέθηκε και στο διαγωνισμό των χρηστών μας!
Δείτε όλα τα βιβλία των διαγωνισμών στο: SCIA User Contest

Eindhoven University of Technology
Department of Architecture, Building and Planning
Unit Structural Design
R.L. de Jong (2017)
Tall Timber Buildings
Tall Timber Buildings (other)
The last few years more and taller timber buildings have been developed. While concrete and steel are still the two major structural materials used for the construction of these kind of buildings, timber has found an opening in this market. Innovations and new knowledge of wood based products such as Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) are the reasons for this development.
The aim of this master thesis is to investigate whether it is possible to design a tall timber building with a structural system of at least 30 storeys tall that consists of only timber elements from ground level up.
The structural variants design according to Eurocode 5 and are modelled with the SCIA Engineer software. The beams and columns are constructed of glue-laminated timber with cross-sections of respectively 300 mm x 550 mm, and 650 mm x 650 mm. Cross-laminated timber panel with a thickness of 387 mm is
used for the walls.
Department of Architecture, Building and Planning
Unit Structural Design
R.L. de Jong (2017)
Tall Timber Buildings
Tall Timber Buildings (other)
The last few years more and taller timber buildings have been developed. While concrete and steel are still the two major structural materials used for the construction of these kind of buildings, timber has found an opening in this market. Innovations and new knowledge of wood based products such as Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) are the reasons for this development.
The aim of this master thesis is to investigate whether it is possible to design a tall timber building with a structural system of at least 30 storeys tall that consists of only timber elements from ground level up.
The structural variants design according to Eurocode 5 and are modelled with the SCIA Engineer software. The beams and columns are constructed of glue-laminated timber with cross-sections of respectively 300 mm x 550 mm, and 650 mm x 650 mm. Cross-laminated timber panel with a thickness of 387 mm is
used for the walls.

Technical University Eindhoven
Architecture, Building and Planning
Innovative Structural Design
J.C. Fritzsche (2013)
Gridshell efficiency optimization
Optimizing efficiency form- & grid-configuration through iterative approximation and
minimization strain energy
The aim of this thesis is the increase of structural efficiency of a gridshell. Towards this aim, the form and
grid-configuration of the system are deformed directed at a decrease of total potential energy in the system.
Through this optimization of efficiency, the general increase of efficiency and minimization of material and cost in the field of structural design – and gridshells in particular – is pursued. In the current field of structural engineering, the material- and cost-efficiency of structural systems is receiving an increasing degree of attention. Supporting this focus, developments of computational design- and calculation-methods allow for increasing possibilities of complex parametric and iterative optimization. In this context, the lightweight structural systems called gridshells are increasingly applied.
For the validation of the defined Iterative stiffness method, the method is implemented in a Grasshopper (GM) model designed to calculate the forces, energy and displacements of any structural configuration. This model is applied on a number of structural configurations, increasing in complexity and compared by calculating the identical configuration using SCIA Engineer (SCIA).
Architecture, Building and Planning
Innovative Structural Design
J.C. Fritzsche (2013)
Gridshell efficiency optimization
Optimizing efficiency form- & grid-configuration through iterative approximation and
minimization strain energy
The aim of this thesis is the increase of structural efficiency of a gridshell. Towards this aim, the form and
grid-configuration of the system are deformed directed at a decrease of total potential energy in the system.
Through this optimization of efficiency, the general increase of efficiency and minimization of material and cost in the field of structural design – and gridshells in particular – is pursued. In the current field of structural engineering, the material- and cost-efficiency of structural systems is receiving an increasing degree of attention. Supporting this focus, developments of computational design- and calculation-methods allow for increasing possibilities of complex parametric and iterative optimization. In this context, the lightweight structural systems called gridshells are increasingly applied.
For the validation of the defined Iterative stiffness method, the method is implemented in a Grasshopper (GM) model designed to calculate the forces, energy and displacements of any structural configuration. This model is applied on a number of structural configurations, increasing in complexity and compared by calculating the identical configuration using SCIA Engineer (SCIA).
Delft University of Technology

Ngo, T. (2016)
To determine the internal forces of the bridge is modelled in SCIA Engineer as an orthotropic plate with a length of 60m and a width of 15m. The plate is simply supported by modelling line supports at the ends of the plate. Since the design of the beams is an iterative process, the self-weight of the beams is not modelled and will be added later on. The same holds for the prestressing. All other loads, which are already known, can be modelled in SCIA.
To determine the internal forces of the bridge is modelled in SCIA Engineer as an orthotropic plate with a length of 60m and a width of 15m. The plate is simply supported by modelling line supports at the ends of the plate. Since the design of the beams is an iterative process, the self-weight of the beams is not modelled and will be added later on. The same holds for the prestressing. All other loads, which are already known, can be modelled in SCIA.

Oomen, S. (2016)
Several topics related to lifting gantries have been studied. These are the modelling of the structure, the structural behaviour of the gantry, the input parameters of the model and the standards used for the design. A hand calculation model, based on the analysis of built-up compression members in EN 1993-1-1, has been developed that describes the behaviour of a portal like gantry structure. The model executes geometrically non-linear calculations, that take into account the second order effects from the deformation of the gantry, and determines the resistance of the gantry based on the axial forces in its chords and on stability checks. Three different mast sections, out of which the gantry columns are made, have been investigated: MSG, DS and NYW. The latter is currently under developed by Mammoet and is called a New York Wheel mast section.
For all calculations performed with the benchmark model in SCIA Engineer the chords of the bottom mast sections were found to be governing as well.
Therefore, the infuence of the application of guy lines is analyzed only in a preliminary sense, using linear stability) calculations in SCIA Engineer. The results give an indication of what is to gain by adding guy lines to a gantry design. This section treats three strand jack systems currently in use by Mammoet and investigates the infuence of the application of these systems on the buckling resistance and 1st order defections of the columns. Only the buckling resistance against a point load, not against a distributed load, is considered here.
Several topics related to lifting gantries have been studied. These are the modelling of the structure, the structural behaviour of the gantry, the input parameters of the model and the standards used for the design. A hand calculation model, based on the analysis of built-up compression members in EN 1993-1-1, has been developed that describes the behaviour of a portal like gantry structure. The model executes geometrically non-linear calculations, that take into account the second order effects from the deformation of the gantry, and determines the resistance of the gantry based on the axial forces in its chords and on stability checks. Three different mast sections, out of which the gantry columns are made, have been investigated: MSG, DS and NYW. The latter is currently under developed by Mammoet and is called a New York Wheel mast section.
For all calculations performed with the benchmark model in SCIA Engineer the chords of the bottom mast sections were found to be governing as well.
Therefore, the infuence of the application of guy lines is analyzed only in a preliminary sense, using linear stability) calculations in SCIA Engineer. The results give an indication of what is to gain by adding guy lines to a gantry design. This section treats three strand jack systems currently in use by Mammoet and investigates the infuence of the application of these systems on the buckling resistance and 1st order defections of the columns. Only the buckling resistance against a point load, not against a distributed load, is considered here.

Van Lindenberg, R.J. (2016)
Due to the introduction of the fastener technique hot-riveting, in combination with the development of steel products [1] in the late 19th and early 20th century, many railway and road bridges have been built, mainly in Europe and North America. [2] Even though a lot of these bridges have already reached their designed service life, mostly for economic reasons, many of them are still in service.
A simpler option is to set-up a structural model in the user-friendly program SCIA Engineer, using primarily bar elements. Assumed is that making a model in SCIA Engineer should be less complex than in iDIANA and therefore easier to adapt for other riveted details.
Furthermore, by setting up an analytical model, a lot of insights are gained in how the model should react and which properties the different members should get. For this reason the equivalent structural model is made in SCIA Engineer.
Due to the introduction of the fastener technique hot-riveting, in combination with the development of steel products [1] in the late 19th and early 20th century, many railway and road bridges have been built, mainly in Europe and North America. [2] Even though a lot of these bridges have already reached their designed service life, mostly for economic reasons, many of them are still in service.
A simpler option is to set-up a structural model in the user-friendly program SCIA Engineer, using primarily bar elements. Assumed is that making a model in SCIA Engineer should be less complex than in iDIANA and therefore easier to adapt for other riveted details.
Furthermore, by setting up an analytical model, a lot of insights are gained in how the model should react and which properties the different members should get. For this reason the equivalent structural model is made in SCIA Engineer.

Eleni Gogou (2012)
Bridges offer great potential for the use of high strength steel grades (HSS). The main advantages are generally a result of reduced weight and cross-sectional dimensions. Design stresses can be increased and plate thickness may be reduced, resulting in significant weight savings. Reduced plate thickness can also save on welding costs as well as on fabrication, erection and transportation costs. Simplified structural components and construction techniques are often possible, particularly for large structures, and foundation costs may also be reduced due to lower dead weight.
High strength steels can be delivered as quenched and tempered (Q&T) or as thermomechanically controlled processed (TMPC).
In the first case, high strengths can be achieved with minimum yield strength up to 1100 MPa, which can lead to considerable weight savings, while in the second case moderate strengths (min yield strength up to 500 MPa) accompanied with excellent weldability are possible. Especially quenched and tempered high strength steels may offer big weight savings when used for bridges. However, quenching and tempering production method poses limitations to the product length.
Bridges offer great potential for the use of high strength steel grades (HSS). The main advantages are generally a result of reduced weight and cross-sectional dimensions. Design stresses can be increased and plate thickness may be reduced, resulting in significant weight savings. Reduced plate thickness can also save on welding costs as well as on fabrication, erection and transportation costs. Simplified structural components and construction techniques are often possible, particularly for large structures, and foundation costs may also be reduced due to lower dead weight.
High strength steels can be delivered as quenched and tempered (Q&T) or as thermomechanically controlled processed (TMPC).
In the first case, high strengths can be achieved with minimum yield strength up to 1100 MPa, which can lead to considerable weight savings, while in the second case moderate strengths (min yield strength up to 500 MPa) accompanied with excellent weldability are possible. Especially quenched and tempered high strength steels may offer big weight savings when used for bridges. However, quenching and tempering production method poses limitations to the product length.

T.A.W. van Corven (2015)
The lock complex at Terneuzen is the main entrance for ships coming from the Westerscheld and navigating towards the cities of Terneuzen and Ghent. The construction of a new large lock at the lock complex of Terneuzen is planned to increase its capacity.
This lock will be built between the existing locks.
With help of SCIA Engineer, a software package for structural calculations, the structural feasibility of the caisson is analysed and worked out.
Due to the lack of bending and torsional stiffness in the first construction alternative the occurring forces and moments are up to 2 times larger in comparison to the second construction alternative. The use of pneumatic caissons to construct the lock head has some advantages over the use of a traditional building pit. The building time of 22 months is 8 months shorter in duration compared with the building pit and the building costs are with respectively Euro 48.300.000 and Euro 37.700.000 much lower than the building costs of a building pit which is estimated at Euro 52.600.000.
The lock complex at Terneuzen is the main entrance for ships coming from the Westerscheld and navigating towards the cities of Terneuzen and Ghent. The construction of a new large lock at the lock complex of Terneuzen is planned to increase its capacity.
This lock will be built between the existing locks.
With help of SCIA Engineer, a software package for structural calculations, the structural feasibility of the caisson is analysed and worked out.
Due to the lack of bending and torsional stiffness in the first construction alternative the occurring forces and moments are up to 2 times larger in comparison to the second construction alternative. The use of pneumatic caissons to construct the lock head has some advantages over the use of a traditional building pit. The building time of 22 months is 8 months shorter in duration compared with the building pit and the building costs are with respectively Euro 48.300.000 and Euro 37.700.000 much lower than the building costs of a building pit which is estimated at Euro 52.600.000.

Van Casteren, B.G.A.(2015)
For structural calculations software program Scia Engineer is used. This program is able to account for the self-weight of general construction materials, by means of mass density of the material and input of the crosssectional area. The main structure is modeled in Scia Engineer, while additional permanent elements (hand rails, ballast bed, inner walls etc.) are modeled as line and surface loads. The additional permanent elements are considered as dead load.
The corner moments MA and MB correspond within an accuracy of 5%. The field moments calculated with Scia Engineer however deviate more from the
results of the hand calculated. There is a logic explanation for this, the 3D model of Scia Engineer spreads the loads also in longitudinal direction, so the
hand calculation show an upper boundary of the bending moments. Another reason to expect small deviations is because of the representation of the elastic
bedding by a uniform distributed line-load.
For structural calculations software program Scia Engineer is used. This program is able to account for the self-weight of general construction materials, by means of mass density of the material and input of the crosssectional area. The main structure is modeled in Scia Engineer, while additional permanent elements (hand rails, ballast bed, inner walls etc.) are modeled as line and surface loads. The additional permanent elements are considered as dead load.
The corner moments MA and MB correspond within an accuracy of 5%. The field moments calculated with Scia Engineer however deviate more from the
results of the hand calculated. There is a logic explanation for this, the 3D model of Scia Engineer spreads the loads also in longitudinal direction, so the
hand calculation show an upper boundary of the bending moments. Another reason to expect small deviations is because of the representation of the elastic
bedding by a uniform distributed line-load.

Zoidi, E. (2015)
Widely deformable subsoil verifies a predominant concern in the design and construction of high-rise buildings. Extensive total and differential settlements are observed that are usually not in accordance to the predictions. In the Netherlands, the problem appears to be more intense in Rotterdam, the city that counts the largest number of skyscrapers. For this case, settlements are caused mainly due to an increase of stresses on deep “Kedichem” layers below pile tip. This master thesis attempts to deal with this problem, in terms of a consistent modeling approach for the interactive system (building and sub-structure).
A detailed building model is not considered realistic in the time frame of the research, since it will significantly increase the number of structural elements. Therefore, a 3-D simplified model is constructed
in Scia Engineer.
Widely deformable subsoil verifies a predominant concern in the design and construction of high-rise buildings. Extensive total and differential settlements are observed that are usually not in accordance to the predictions. In the Netherlands, the problem appears to be more intense in Rotterdam, the city that counts the largest number of skyscrapers. For this case, settlements are caused mainly due to an increase of stresses on deep “Kedichem” layers below pile tip. This master thesis attempts to deal with this problem, in terms of a consistent modeling approach for the interactive system (building and sub-structure).
A detailed building model is not considered realistic in the time frame of the research, since it will significantly increase the number of structural elements. Therefore, a 3-D simplified model is constructed
in Scia Engineer.

Winter, U.M. (2011)
There is large difference in height between high-rise buildings in the Netherlands and high-rise in other continents such as North America and Asia. The tallest building in the Netherlands, the “Maastoren”, has a height of 164.75 meter whereas in the rest of the world buildings with a height of more than 300 meter are not uncommon. In Dubai the Burj Khalifa has even reached a height of 828 meter. Each high-rise project is unique and depends on the many location-bound conditions which influence the choices made in the design of a tall building. Because of this the following question is asked: “Is it technically possible to achieve similar heights in the Netherlands?”. In order to answer this question the goal of this thesis is to deliver the structural design of a tall building with a predetermined height of 800 meter.
One of the goals of designing a superstructure for a supertall building is creating a maximum internal lever arm by allowing the perimeter to participate in the transfer of lateral loads.
Both the core-outrigger and tube alternative are suitable structural systems since the internal lever arm reaches from facade to façade. For good measure a load-bearing structure consisting only of a core was also tested in using the FEM software “ESA Scia Engineer”.
There is large difference in height between high-rise buildings in the Netherlands and high-rise in other continents such as North America and Asia. The tallest building in the Netherlands, the “Maastoren”, has a height of 164.75 meter whereas in the rest of the world buildings with a height of more than 300 meter are not uncommon. In Dubai the Burj Khalifa has even reached a height of 828 meter. Each high-rise project is unique and depends on the many location-bound conditions which influence the choices made in the design of a tall building. Because of this the following question is asked: “Is it technically possible to achieve similar heights in the Netherlands?”. In order to answer this question the goal of this thesis is to deliver the structural design of a tall building with a predetermined height of 800 meter.
One of the goals of designing a superstructure for a supertall building is creating a maximum internal lever arm by allowing the perimeter to participate in the transfer of lateral loads.
Both the core-outrigger and tube alternative are suitable structural systems since the internal lever arm reaches from facade to façade. For good measure a load-bearing structure consisting only of a core was also tested in using the FEM software “ESA Scia Engineer”.

Onstein, R.C.P. (2013)
The previous analyses, in which the geometrically nonlinear behaviour of the arched structure were investigated, are based on two dimensional models. In these models, the structure is represented by one dimensional beam elements. In two dimensional modelling, the load distribution in transverse direction is neglected.
To compare the analytical results with a numerical computation, the structure is modelled in the finite element program Scia Engineer. Whereas finite element programs are often written for mechanics and academic research, Scia Engineer was developed with focus to practical use in the construction industry.
Therefore, code checking of cross-sections is implemented in the post-processing and the mesh generation is automated to a high degree, to name some examples. The program requires only basic knowledge in computational mechanics for structural analysis. Consequentially, there are a lot of default settings in the program, which is convenient in most cases, but it may lead to erroneous output, most probably, in exceptional cases.
The previous analyses, in which the geometrically nonlinear behaviour of the arched structure were investigated, are based on two dimensional models. In these models, the structure is represented by one dimensional beam elements. In two dimensional modelling, the load distribution in transverse direction is neglected.
To compare the analytical results with a numerical computation, the structure is modelled in the finite element program Scia Engineer. Whereas finite element programs are often written for mechanics and academic research, Scia Engineer was developed with focus to practical use in the construction industry.
Therefore, code checking of cross-sections is implemented in the post-processing and the mesh generation is automated to a high degree, to name some examples. The program requires only basic knowledge in computational mechanics for structural analysis. Consequentially, there are a lot of default settings in the program, which is convenient in most cases, but it may lead to erroneous output, most probably, in exceptional cases.

De Goede, T.J.P.M. (2011)
The plate is modelled in SCIA by means of a 2D plate element with supports along both short edges. SCIA Engineer allows direct input of temperature gradients. Distinction is being made between the cooling and heating profiles.
The plate is modelled in SCIA by means of a 2D plate element with supports along both short edges. SCIA Engineer allows direct input of temperature gradients. Distinction is being made between the cooling and heating profiles.

Yirui Yao (2009)
Linear elastic calculation was done in SCIA ESA PT to check the deformation, force distribution and
With the results of the final structure from SCIA ESA PT, conclusions could be drawn that the stiffness, stability and strength were generally verified effectively and sufficiently. Deformation of the structure, force distribution and most of the member stresses confirmed to the codes and rules of thumb. Only several members had yielded checked by von Mises stress which required optimization of the strength. The detail results remain unclear until accurate calculations are optimization of the strength. The detail results remain unclear until accurate calculations are made in the further study.
Linear elastic calculation was done in SCIA ESA PT to check the deformation, force distribution and
With the results of the final structure from SCIA ESA PT, conclusions could be drawn that the stiffness, stability and strength were generally verified effectively and sufficiently. Deformation of the structure, force distribution and most of the member stresses confirmed to the codes and rules of thumb. Only several members had yielded checked by von Mises stress which required optimization of the strength. The detail results remain unclear until accurate calculations are optimization of the strength. The detail results remain unclear until accurate calculations are made in the further study.

T. Graafland (2008)
The main assumptions, boundary conditions and the chosen concept will be described. In addition, some technical-, design-, environmental- and overview-drawings of the structure will be treated in Appendix 1. In the first report, it has been chosen to elaborate the curved lattice alternative. This decision was based on the influence factors illustrated by the Multi-Criteria-Analysis, which has been made in the first report.
The main motivations for this choice were aesthetics, academic value, and the chance of creating a light structure. The concept will be elaborated in this chapter to get more insight in the structure.
The FEM-program ESA-PT has been used to accurately determine the weight. Linear calculations have been made to determine thedeflections and stresses.
The main assumptions, boundary conditions and the chosen concept will be described. In addition, some technical-, design-, environmental- and overview-drawings of the structure will be treated in Appendix 1. In the first report, it has been chosen to elaborate the curved lattice alternative. This decision was based on the influence factors illustrated by the Multi-Criteria-Analysis, which has been made in the first report.
The main motivations for this choice were aesthetics, academic value, and the chance of creating a light structure. The concept will be elaborated in this chapter to get more insight in the structure.
The FEM-program ESA-PT has been used to accurately determine the weight. Linear calculations have been made to determine thedeflections and stresses.

Christine Yip (2015)
The purpose of this MSc thesis is to find a feasible concept for a circa 4500 m long buoyancy bridge, which is located at the Sognefjord in Norway.
The concept should be structurally and aesthetically competitive.In contrast to bridges on shore with fixed supports, a buoyancy bridge is supported on floating pontoons. As result, loads will cause the buoyancy bridge to displace, and displacements will in turn cause internal forces in the structure.
For these reasons, the environmental loads on buoyancy bridges are usually minimized by placing the bridge girder as low as possible above the water level (small wind load) and by using small spans (small bending moment and shear force on the bridge girder). This will be done by using structural analysis software SCIA Engineer, by making analytical calculations and by building a scale model.
The purpose of this MSc thesis is to find a feasible concept for a circa 4500 m long buoyancy bridge, which is located at the Sognefjord in Norway.
The concept should be structurally and aesthetically competitive.In contrast to bridges on shore with fixed supports, a buoyancy bridge is supported on floating pontoons. As result, loads will cause the buoyancy bridge to displace, and displacements will in turn cause internal forces in the structure.
For these reasons, the environmental loads on buoyancy bridges are usually minimized by placing the bridge girder as low as possible above the water level (small wind load) and by using small spans (small bending moment and shear force on the bridge girder). This will be done by using structural analysis software SCIA Engineer, by making analytical calculations and by building a scale model.

Paskvalin, A. (2015)
The goal of this calculation is to examine if it is possible to design the Leiden Bridge in C50/60. This means that the bridge has to be structurally safe and it also has to meet the requirements given by the municipality of Amsterdam. First the dimensions and properties of the concrete and of the box beam girder will be determined. Then the calculation model of the bridge will be presented. With the loads and the model the internal forces will be determined. This will be done with SCIA Engineer. After the results from SCIA are obtained the structure will be checked in the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) if it can resist the loads working on the bridge.
The goal of this calculation is to examine if it is possible to design the Leiden Bridge in C50/60. This means that the bridge has to be structurally safe and it also has to meet the requirements given by the municipality of Amsterdam. First the dimensions and properties of the concrete and of the box beam girder will be determined. Then the calculation model of the bridge will be presented. With the loads and the model the internal forces will be determined. This will be done with SCIA Engineer. After the results from SCIA are obtained the structure will be checked in the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) if it can resist the loads working on the bridge.

Lammert Kok (2013)
A literature study is done to investigate possibilities of FRP as a construction material. FRP is an anisotropic material and consists of a resin and fibres. The material properties can be estimated with the classical laminate theory. In comparison with other materials, FRP has a high strength, but a low stiffness.
A FEA is done with the program Scia Engineer. The structure consists of a plate with the orthotropic properties of the ABD-matrix of the previous section, see figure 15 for an overview of this structure.
A literature study is done to investigate possibilities of FRP as a construction material. FRP is an anisotropic material and consists of a resin and fibres. The material properties can be estimated with the classical laminate theory. In comparison with other materials, FRP has a high strength, but a low stiffness.
A FEA is done with the program Scia Engineer. The structure consists of a plate with the orthotropic properties of the ABD-matrix of the previous section, see figure 15 for an overview of this structure.

Maarten Koekoek (2010)
The designed structure is modelled in the program Scia Engineer and the in chapter 14 described loads are put on it. With Scia the internal forces, deformations and stresses in the elements are calculated. With the internal forces and deformations calculated, there can be checked if the chosen elements fulfil or if they have to be adjusted.
Deformations, draught and tilt will also be checked with this model. The floating body will also be calculated with a 3D model in Scia Engineer. But since the floating body has a quite difficult shape, first a rectangular floating body is used to see if the model in Scia gives the correct results. In appendix 8 was already checked that Scia gives the correct results for draught and tilt.
The designed structure is modelled in the program Scia Engineer and the in chapter 14 described loads are put on it. With Scia the internal forces, deformations and stresses in the elements are calculated. With the internal forces and deformations calculated, there can be checked if the chosen elements fulfil or if they have to be adjusted.
Deformations, draught and tilt will also be checked with this model. The floating body will also be calculated with a 3D model in Scia Engineer. But since the floating body has a quite difficult shape, first a rectangular floating body is used to see if the model in Scia gives the correct results. In appendix 8 was already checked that Scia gives the correct results for draught and tilt.

Oosterhuis, M.R. (2010)
The qualitative comparison evaluates the distribution of the stress resultants by comparing the contour plots produced by the parametric components to the corresponding contour plots, provided by a FEM based software package SCIA. The quantitative comparison evaluates the numerical accuracy of the produced resultants by comparing a series of analytical solutions (Czerny, 1959), related to grid points along plate sections, to the corresponding analytical results.
The contour plots for the (principle) shear forces are shown below (figures 133 to 134). The plots were produced by respectively SCIA, the derivative component (figures 136 to 138) and the rain flow component (figure 139).
The qualitative comparison evaluates the distribution of the stress resultants by comparing the contour plots produced by the parametric components to the corresponding contour plots, provided by a FEM based software package SCIA. The quantitative comparison evaluates the numerical accuracy of the produced resultants by comparing a series of analytical solutions (Czerny, 1959), related to grid points along plate sections, to the corresponding analytical results.
The contour plots for the (principle) shear forces are shown below (figures 133 to 134). The plots were produced by respectively SCIA, the derivative component (figures 136 to 138) and the rain flow component (figure 139).

Riemens, K.W. (2015)
For comparing and validating the results we shall mainly use the FEM program SCIA Engineer. The solver of SCIA Engineer uses elements which are combined plate-membrane elements (see Appendix B for more information concerning SCIA’s type of elements). Besides using SCIA Engineer for comparison, also known analytical solutions provided by Pavlovic (1999) shall be used in the test case of the basic shell shapes (5.4).
For comparing and validating the results we shall mainly use the FEM program SCIA Engineer. The solver of SCIA Engineer uses elements which are combined plate-membrane elements (see Appendix B for more information concerning SCIA’s type of elements). Besides using SCIA Engineer for comparison, also known analytical solutions provided by Pavlovic (1999) shall be used in the test case of the basic shell shapes (5.4).

Marc Romans (2010)
Reinforcement of the considered beams is determined according to the linear elastic finite element method, taking all relevant provisions of the Eurocodes into account.
Reinforcement of the considered beams is determined according to the linear elastic finite element method, taking all relevant provisions of the Eurocodes into account.

V.A.G. Bron (2013)
- Dynamic Analysis of an Open Piled Jetty
At different locations in the Caribbean cruise jetties have been damaged during hurricanes. The specific cause of the damage in 2010 to the first jetty of Sint Maarten is not known. A hurricane with less high waves caused significantly more damage, than a hurricane with higher waves. This raised the question whether the dynamic behaviour of the jetty enlarges the stresses in the structure.
This research has the goal to elaborate circumstances under which the dynamic behaviour of the open piled jetty on Sint Maarten significantly enlarges the amplitude of vibration, when being subjected to wave loading. Another goal is to elaborate design components that have a negative influence on the dynamic behaviour and wave loading of an open piled jetty structure.

Ivar Boom (2012)
A tensile-compression ring is derived from the spoke wheel principle. The wheel is one of the greatest inventions in mankind. The use of the wheel has developed through time. Engineers found out that the use of the spoke wheel as a roof structure provides many benefits. With the spoke wheel principle a lightweight, cost-efficient roof structure can be made.
In recent years the spoke wheel principle has also been applied for oval shaped roofs in order to increase the application of the principle.
An example is the use of the roof structure for football stadia. To investigate the structural behaviour of a spoke wheel roof, a model with the software program Scia Engineer 2010 has been made.
Using this FEM program it is possible to make 2nd order calculations. The roof structure is an indeterminate, complex model which is loaded by variable loads. Besides, the influence of the second order effect on the structure is not negligible. To determine the right profiles for the different elements, the FEM program Scia Engineer will be used.
A tensile-compression ring is derived from the spoke wheel principle. The wheel is one of the greatest inventions in mankind. The use of the wheel has developed through time. Engineers found out that the use of the spoke wheel as a roof structure provides many benefits. With the spoke wheel principle a lightweight, cost-efficient roof structure can be made.
In recent years the spoke wheel principle has also been applied for oval shaped roofs in order to increase the application of the principle.
An example is the use of the roof structure for football stadia. To investigate the structural behaviour of a spoke wheel roof, a model with the software program Scia Engineer 2010 has been made.
Using this FEM program it is possible to make 2nd order calculations. The roof structure is an indeterminate, complex model which is loaded by variable loads. Besides, the influence of the second order effect on the structure is not negligible. To determine the right profiles for the different elements, the FEM program Scia Engineer will be used.

Harm-Jan van der Giessen (2010)
The caisson structure can be evaluated using a finite element method. The program used for this is SCIA ESA PT. A finite element model is used to calculate the interaction between the subsoil and the structure. The objective is to get insight in the forces and bending moments present in the structure under loading. ESA PT gives the opportunity to calculate the structure three dimensional.
From the forces and bending moments, reinforcement is calculated and conclusions can be drawn with respect to the technical feasibility of the caisson structure.
The model defined in ESA PT is the governing longitudinal section. Because the section is ‘taken out’ of the caisson structure. Boundary conditions have to be assigned to the boundaries of the structure.
The caisson structure can be evaluated using a finite element method. The program used for this is SCIA ESA PT. A finite element model is used to calculate the interaction between the subsoil and the structure. The objective is to get insight in the forces and bending moments present in the structure under loading. ESA PT gives the opportunity to calculate the structure three dimensional.
From the forces and bending moments, reinforcement is calculated and conclusions can be drawn with respect to the technical feasibility of the caisson structure.
The model defined in ESA PT is the governing longitudinal section. Because the section is ‘taken out’ of the caisson structure. Boundary conditions have to be assigned to the boundaries of the structure.

Moufaq Noman Mahmoud (2007)
A wide variety of computer programs are being used in analysing structures. Many of them are based on the Linear Finite Element Method (L-FEM). Using these programs became easier because of the progress in the computer speed and capacities. For this reason it became more attractive to develop programs not only for analysing structure but also to design them.
Using these programs became a trend and a necessity because of the beautiful graphs, the reliably of the results and not forgetting the speed of getting the results. Many engineering firms use these programs in their daily work.
ESA-PT is one of these programs. It is the new version of ESA Prima WIN. According to the developer of ESA, SCIA International, the reinforcement calculation of SCIA ESA PT is implemented to find a substitute to the time-consuming hand-calculation. The program will give the number of bars and their diameter, which should be used in a structure, according the chosen code.
A wide variety of computer programs are being used in analysing structures. Many of them are based on the Linear Finite Element Method (L-FEM). Using these programs became easier because of the progress in the computer speed and capacities. For this reason it became more attractive to develop programs not only for analysing structure but also to design them.
Using these programs became a trend and a necessity because of the beautiful graphs, the reliably of the results and not forgetting the speed of getting the results. Many engineering firms use these programs in their daily work.
ESA-PT is one of these programs. It is the new version of ESA Prima WIN. According to the developer of ESA, SCIA International, the reinforcement calculation of SCIA ESA PT is implemented to find a substitute to the time-consuming hand-calculation. The program will give the number of bars and their diameter, which should be used in a structure, according the chosen code.

Babak Dadvar (2014)
Από την προσωπική του ιστοσελίδα:
This study deals with the finite element analysis to determine the behavior of reinforced concrete beams and high walls. It is assumed that the behavior of these members can be described by a plane stress field. This thesis consists of two major parts. The first part is about reinforcing of slender beams with the Linear Elastic Finite Element Method (LE-FEM). The aim is to determine whether LE-FEM is able to provide safe and reliable reinforcement designs for slender beam specimens. In this thesis a new method of reinforcement design with the Scia Engineer 2D Finite Element (FE) module is developed.
Από την προσωπική του ιστοσελίδα:
This study deals with the finite element analysis to determine the behavior of reinforced concrete beams and high walls. It is assumed that the behavior of these members can be described by a plane stress field. This thesis consists of two major parts. The first part is about reinforcing of slender beams with the Linear Elastic Finite Element Method (LE-FEM). The aim is to determine whether LE-FEM is able to provide safe and reliable reinforcement designs for slender beam specimens. In this thesis a new method of reinforcement design with the Scia Engineer 2D Finite Element (FE) module is developed.

G.J.C. van Gorp (2014)
- Optimization of modelling pile foundations
After this qualitative consideration a quantitative comparison is done between a single pile in the different models which is subjected to loads in three directions.
• The load-settlement behaviour of a pile loaded by axial compression in D-Pile and Scia Engineer is as expected from the behaviour according to Eurocode 7. The behaviour of a pile in Plaxis deviates from this, which is caused by the weak behaviour around the pile tip. This because installation effects are not taken into account by this model. In the empirical relationships in the other models these effects are taken into account.
• The load-settlement behaviour of a pile loaded by axial compression in D-Pile and Scia Engineer is as expected from the behaviour according to Eurocode 7.
• The behaviour of piles loaded by tension is in line with CUR 77 which is at the moment the only guideline about the load-settlement behaviour of prefabricated displacement piles. However, the behaviour of D-Pile is linear which is caused by the applied vertical shaft springs in this model. The behaviour of Scia Engineer and Plaxis is non-linear.
• The behaviour of a pile loaded by an external horizontal force on the top differs significant.
The numerical models D-Pile and Plaxis approach the real soil behaviour more than the chosen method in Scia Engineer. This because they give a stiffer lateral support at small displacements and plasticity of the soil is included in these methods. The method of Ménard, which is used for the horizontal subgrade reaction in Scia Engineer, gives a linear support which is less stiff at small displacements and does not include failure at large displacements.
In this thesis the effects which play a role by pile foundations and the ability of the different models are considered. Furthermore from the investigation followed which effects are normative for the design of the power pylon in the considered soil profile. Combining all these knowledge leads to the conclusion that Scia Engineer seems to be the best model for the design of the foundation structure of the power pylon.

Kassahun K. Minalu (2010)
Analytical calculations or conventional two-dimensional plate analysis only cannot provide sufficient accuracy for engineering practice.
Therefore, in this study, an appropriate finite element modelling technique is looked for, which capable of predicting the three-dimensional behaviour of high skew bridges consisting of a cast in-place concrete deck on precast prestressed inverted T-girders. Five different numerical models have been created and compared using SCIA engineer and ATENA 3D finite element packages. Special attention has been paid to torsion moments near the obtuse corner. It was found that the model consisting of shell elements for the deck and eccentric beam elements for the girders is the best for engineering practice.
Analytical calculations or conventional two-dimensional plate analysis only cannot provide sufficient accuracy for engineering practice.
Therefore, in this study, an appropriate finite element modelling technique is looked for, which capable of predicting the three-dimensional behaviour of high skew bridges consisting of a cast in-place concrete deck on precast prestressed inverted T-girders. Five different numerical models have been created and compared using SCIA engineer and ATENA 3D finite element packages. Special attention has been paid to torsion moments near the obtuse corner. It was found that the model consisting of shell elements for the deck and eccentric beam elements for the girders is the best for engineering practice.

R.W. Sluijsmans (2009)
- Analysis of wave impact on the Elastocoast® system
The elastocoast system is a recently introduced system, which can be used as an armour layer on revetments. The bonding system exists of a mix of crushed stones and 2-component polyurethane (PU). This bonding system creates strong bonding forces between the stones and an open (porous) structure can be obtained. Elastocoast is developed by Elastogran GmbH, a BASF subsidiary.
SCIA ESA PT (now Scia Engineer) is a software package (based on the finite element method) for the design and calculation of civil engineering structures (structural engineering). Several models are available in SCIA ESA PT in order to simulate the response of the elastocoast layer if it is schematized as a plate element.

Brénousky J.S. Breeveld (2013)
The objective of this thesis is to develop applicable guidelines to analyse and model large slab foundation structures. The purpose is to have consistency in the modelling of the interaction between structures and soil.The findings of this report can, in turn, assist the structural and geotechnical engineer when modelling shallow foundation structures.
It will also provide insight into the determination of structure and soil parameters.
Chapter 4 is dedicated to the theoretical overview of the structural software program to be used in the research. The structural software program SCientific Application (SCIA) engineering has been used to model the shallow foundation. In the program the slab is modelled with 2D plate elements and the soil as springs.
The interaction of structure and soil is modelled by the interaction parameters called “C parameters”. The non-uniform coefficient models are the Eurocode 7, Pseudo-Coupled and Secant Method. These methods will be elaborately discussed in this chapter. Especially attention will be given to the process of transforming and spreading soil properties into springs. This process is called the Secant Method.
The objective of this thesis is to develop applicable guidelines to analyse and model large slab foundation structures. The purpose is to have consistency in the modelling of the interaction between structures and soil.The findings of this report can, in turn, assist the structural and geotechnical engineer when modelling shallow foundation structures.
It will also provide insight into the determination of structure and soil parameters.
Chapter 4 is dedicated to the theoretical overview of the structural software program to be used in the research. The structural software program SCientific Application (SCIA) engineering has been used to model the shallow foundation. In the program the slab is modelled with 2D plate elements and the soil as springs.
The interaction of structure and soil is modelled by the interaction parameters called “C parameters”. The non-uniform coefficient models are the Eurocode 7, Pseudo-Coupled and Secant Method. These methods will be elaborately discussed in this chapter. Especially attention will be given to the process of transforming and spreading soil properties into springs. This process is called the Secant Method.

Van Vliet, E. (2012)
In skew bridges torsion occurs. This leads to a substantial amount of reinforcement stirrups. Minalu already did research to torsion in bridge decks with different types of finite element models. The question when torsion cracks will really occur is still unanswered. This question is the main subject of this research. The focus of the research is on a skew bridge with a skew angle of 45 degrees. In that bridge the largest torsional moments will occur. To be sure that the computer model is correct a calculation of the principal stresses is carried out at the ultimate limit state. The stresses due to prestressing, own weight and the weight of the fresh poured concrete can be calculated by hand. The calculation of the force distribution of the loads on the deck can be carried out using finite element methods. Scia Engineer (orthotropic plate model) and ATENA 3D (volume elements) are used for this calculation.
In skew bridges torsion occurs. This leads to a substantial amount of reinforcement stirrups. Minalu already did research to torsion in bridge decks with different types of finite element models. The question when torsion cracks will really occur is still unanswered. This question is the main subject of this research. The focus of the research is on a skew bridge with a skew angle of 45 degrees. In that bridge the largest torsional moments will occur. To be sure that the computer model is correct a calculation of the principal stresses is carried out at the ultimate limit state. The stresses due to prestressing, own weight and the weight of the fresh poured concrete can be calculated by hand. The calculation of the force distribution of the loads on the deck can be carried out using finite element methods. Scia Engineer (orthotropic plate model) and ATENA 3D (volume elements) are used for this calculation.

Kenter, R.J.A. (2010)
The elevated metro structure in concrete, UHPC and composite
The elevated metro structure in concrete, UHPC and composite
- Literature_and_preliminary_study_30-10-2010
This Appendix presents the calculations of the optimal box girder in concrete C50/60. First the material characteristics of the concrete and steel are described.
To calculate the shear and bending moments in the deck there is made use of the program Scia Engineer.

Van der Ploeg, J.C. (2013)
- A knowledge-based framework for structural optimization - An object-oriented approach for reuse of explicit knowledge in computational optimisation of steel structures
Scia Engineering MOOT (Multi-Objective optimisation Tool) is a software tool for overall optimisation of civil engineering structures developed by Nemetschek Scia in corporation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU Prague, Czech Republic. MOOT integrates widespread
used structural engineering software Scia Engineer, with a separate optimisation engine called EOT (Engineering optimisation tool).
Scia Engineer is a comprehensive software package for analysis, design and checks of civil engineering structures and allows for parametric definition of the structural model, Auto Design of structural elements and provides in XML interface for communication with other applications as EOT.

Kool, J.J. (2011)
The probabilistic design will be compared with a jetty that is already designed and build. This jetty is designed according the deterministic way using the NEN-codes. In the port of Rotterdam a jetty is build in 1997, commissioned by ''ARCO Chemie Nederland Ltd‟ (ACNL).
The main purpose of this thesis is running a Monte Carlo simulation on a berthing structure. Normally the analytical Detlivsen method is used, this is introduced and described in chapter 4. For the Monte Carlo simulation a possibility using deterministic design formula‟s (Saurin) in combination with a finite element software Scia engineer is investigated.
Scia engineer uses finite-element software to consider three dimensional constructions. Scia engineer has the ability to use different methods for data input and output making it possible to communicate with other software. In this way a suit can be build around Scia engineer, making it possible to put Scia in a loop and manipulate the used parameters.
The probabilistic design will be compared with a jetty that is already designed and build. This jetty is designed according the deterministic way using the NEN-codes. In the port of Rotterdam a jetty is build in 1997, commissioned by ''ARCO Chemie Nederland Ltd‟ (ACNL).
The main purpose of this thesis is running a Monte Carlo simulation on a berthing structure. Normally the analytical Detlivsen method is used, this is introduced and described in chapter 4. For the Monte Carlo simulation a possibility using deterministic design formula‟s (Saurin) in combination with a finite element software Scia engineer is investigated.
Scia engineer uses finite-element software to consider three dimensional constructions. Scia engineer has the ability to use different methods for data input and output making it possible to communicate with other software. In this way a suit can be build around Scia engineer, making it possible to put Scia in a loop and manipulate the used parameters.
Άρθρα (Articles)

D. Jermoljeva* and J. Machacekb (2012)
Membranes as tensile surface structures, traditionally employed for temporary and complementary shelters, are more and more used as permanent, extraordinary and wide-span light-weight structures. Recent development and refinement of suitable materials, namely coated fabrics (mostly polyester fabrics with PVC coating or glass fiber fabric with PTFE coating), plastic foils (ETFE/EFEP or THV) and linear load-bearing elements (ropes incl. necessary fittings, webbing, keders) enabled unique structures predominating in span,
three-dimensional shape and extremely low weight [1-2]. Supporting steel framework is usually integral part of the structure.
Membranes as tensile surface structures, traditionally employed for temporary and complementary shelters, are more and more used as permanent, extraordinary and wide-span light-weight structures. Recent development and refinement of suitable materials, namely coated fabrics (mostly polyester fabrics with PVC coating or glass fiber fabric with PTFE coating), plastic foils (ETFE/EFEP or THV) and linear load-bearing elements (ropes incl. necessary fittings, webbing, keders) enabled unique structures predominating in span,
three-dimensional shape and extremely low weight [1-2]. Supporting steel framework is usually integral part of the structure.

Miao, S. Veerman, R.P. Koenders, E.A.B. Knobbe, A. (2013) The calculations are mainly based on the preserved blue prints, which were made in the mid-sixties. These drawings contain information about the dimensions and properties of the bridge, including reinforcement and prestressing details.Properties which are not present in the drawings are based on a site visit or based on information obtained from bridges of the same age. The computer program Scia Engineer (Nemetschek_Scia 2011) is used for the structural calculation. This program is based on the finite element method (FEM), which includes line and surface elements. The two-dimensional elements contain additional properties for approximating the three dimensional properties of the actual deck. In addition, it is possible to apply a certain vertical distance between elements to include the correct properties.

A. Stanton , A.A. Javadi (2013)
- An automated approach for an optimised least cost solution of reinforced concrete reservoirs using site parameters
This paper presents the development and application of a model that automates the design of reinforced concrete reservoirs using the Finite Element Method (Scia Engineer code) and a Genetic Algorithm. These are used to optimise the shape, structural element sizing and amount of reinforcement determined by least total cost using steel reinforcement and concrete volumes. The reservoir must be rectangular but may be any length and is available for many uses such as storm tanks, service reservoirs, raw water storage or an underground chamber.
Kool, J.J. · De Gijt, J.G. · Groenewegen, L. (2013)